The Universe Wants You to Know Today...

The Time is Right To Detox Your Life

As the saying goes, ‘nobody is perfect’, you are not an exemption as everyone is susceptible to being involved in messy activities that end up ruining their lives. The universe holds you responsible for the challenges you encounter today over such mistakes but it’s willing to assist you detox to separate you from the hardships. You will have a new life where all the tribulations you’ve had are eliminated from your life. Therefore, get ready to transit into a new phase of your life.

The universe is challenging you to detox yourself from toxic people. If you are in a relationship where your partner is abusive, this is the time to take a detox by making up your mind to find love elsewhere. If you have an abusive employer who overworks you, detox by erasing them from your life. As much as you need to secure your means of livelihood, you do not require to be misused. Find an opportunity where you are treated humanely.

Detox By Cutting Off Toxic People

The universe finds you of significance even when nobody else seems to accept you with your flaws. You are called upon to stay away from people whose purpose is to bring you down. You deserve to live your best life without having to undergo any struggles. You are destined to achieve your purpose in life but you can’t do so if you cannot detox from people or things that pull you down.

Affirmation of the Day:

“I am in total control of my life and today I choose to detox by cutting off toxic things and people from my life. I will place my trust in the universe for I am confident that it accepts me as I am.”