The Universe Wants You to Know Today...

Recovery From Your Past Enables Growth

The world is a place where suffering has its roots and there is no day which is known when tribulations will come to an end. Perhaps you’ve undergone misery and recovered. The universe is telling you that to delight in life, you ought to recover from your past which is delaying your growth in life.

Holding on to the things that happened in your old days makes you feel guilty from time to time. This results in unproductive days thus stagnating your life. Perhaps guilt is haunting you because there was a time you caused someone suffering. To move on, the universe encourages you to ask for pardoning from the person you humiliated.

You Owe Yourself Recovery

Let the tribulations that came over you in the past remain in the past. Your recovery happened the moment you overcame your illness because you exhibited toughness and courage. This means that there is no problem you cannot get over in your life today. Through the universe’s intervention you will be enabled to maintain your recovery. You owe yourself a lot more than being stuck in the old days.
Hurting is unavoidable and to recover from it, you ought to be kind and compassionate to yourself. In addition, you need to keep your distance from people or circumstances that averts or delays your recovery. This will help you from not having thoughts about it, or recall it as much thus moving on with your life, living a day at a time.

Affirmation of the Day:

“Today I choose to be easy on myself so as to traverse from what I encountered in my past. I have faith that the universe will be with me every step of the way in my recovery journey.”