The Universe Wants You to Know Today...
Life Is A University, Study Wisely
Being in a university is exciting until difficulties arise and one has to be responsible and dependent on their own self. Parents and guardians regard a university student as a grown-up who can handle some situations on their own. University life teaches one the hard way of taking life as it is and persevering when challenges hit them.
The universe is telling you that you ought to persevere through difficult times just as one has to bear with the difficulties of life in a university. Challenges are inevitable and there is no known date unto which they will become extinct. So, from this you ought to be strong as you lead through life to enable you to achieve success by conquering any hindrance towards accomplishing so.
Embrace Diversity in the University of Life Life
Some people enjoy abundance almost every time whereas some are suffering through insufficiency day in day out. Do not feel bad if you are encountering a shortage as a time will come when you’ll also have plenty. The universe will bestow good luck upon you and one day you will be repaid for all those days you slept hungry or had no clothes to wear. Perhaps the universe is waiting on you to change on some of your actions or is just anticipating for the right time.
While in a university, one enjoys freedom and in a similar manner, there is freedom which you ought to value and make use of every minute given to you and the resources the universe holds. Be glad that you have not been restricted from living life the way you want but remember that whatever you sow, you will reap every bit accordingly.
Affirmation of the Day:
“Today I choose to embrace living life right and make the universe my helper when I feel deprived of the energy to live another day.”