Today's Love Tarot Card Is...

Credits: “The Enchanted Love Tarot” by Amy Zerner & Monte Farber

The Magician: ENERGY

What you need to know about love – Are you feeling that you have an extra spring in your step today? Do you feel that you’re on the cusp of something amazing happening? If so, it’s no wonder because there is so much magic in the air! If you don’t believe in miracles, then this is just about to change because there’s someone incredibly special, magical and amazing who is about to change your life!

The incredibly exciting news is that this lovely person might even be “the one.” Just imagine how incredible it is going to be to be able to look into the eyes of your true love every day for the rest of your life! Even if you’re already in a good, committed relationship, you’ll be shown so much wonderful love over the coming days and weeks that you will feel as though you are walking on air! 

What you need to do about love – Now is the time to make amazing things happen as well as to accept the sense of joyful energy that will come your way! So, don’t just sit around passively expecting life to happen to you. Take calculated chances. Put yourself out there into the world so you can be the creator of your own destiny. What an exciting time to be alive!

Know in your heart that this is just the beginning of a magical time of your life. When you look into your lover’s eyes you will feel more tuned in than you have ever felt before. You will enjoy the kind of connection that transcends everything. The type of love that you only ever usually hear about in songs and in movies. It’s all yours for the taking, so take it now!

Love thought for the day – There is so much potential in the air right now. All things are set to be possible and your dreams can and will come true. You need to have belief as well as to put yourself into action. If you are unsure as to how to get yourself moving, positive visualisations can do wonders. You see, by tapping into the energy of the universe, you can create wonderful thoughts that become your reality over time.

Take some deep breaths as you see EXACTLY what you want in your mind’s eye. Don’t worry if you don’t manage to do everything you intend to straight away. You can practice carrying out this exercise every day as you feel your positive energies growing stronger and stronger until you can envision the incredible romance future you truly deserve. True love, happiness and joy will be your rewards.