The Universe Wants You to Know Today...
Life is A Gambling Arena, Play Well
Living is gambling. Life is a big bet. Just like gambling, you play your chips not knowing if you will win or lose. In life you make a choice not knowing how it turns out.
The universe is telling you that you have everything you need in life to achieve your goals. It’s time for you to play, the universe has presented an opportunity for you to get in the game. You fear to dream because you fear to fail. Do not let fear of failing stop you. Dare to dream and roll the dice you will never know if you will lose or win if you don’t play.
Dare to Dream
How do you know you will fail when you have not tried yet? It takes courage and aggressiveness to dream. It requires even more courage to chase after your dreams. The universe is telling you not to lose this opportunity it has presented to you. You will regret wasting the chance because you had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Be a risk-taker. When gambling, you are not guaranteed of a win, you might play and lose not one but many times. You will have to understand that in life you might play and win or play and lose. Life will not pan out the way you picture it, there will be some great setbacks that might compel you to quit.
The universe is telling you to persevere. Learning to persevere through the harsh moments in life will increase your chance of winning, no doubt. Put your time and efforts in your dreams and not on assessing your failures and challenges. Keep gambling, keep living despite the toughness of your situation.
Affirmation of the Day:
“I believe that true happiness is in achieving my dreams. I will embrace the small victories and failures and enjoy the ride to my greatness.”