The Universe Wants You to Know Today...

Life is Like Cryptocurrency, You Need No Verification On How To Live.

You have full authorization over your life similar to how cryptocurrency systems have authorization of its transaction without interference from other financial institutions. Why have you allowed your cryptocurrency system (life) to be corrupted by other actors that are determined to bring it down? Why have you allowed yourself to engage in transactions that are not improving your life?

The universe is telling you to take control of your life. For so long you have been in survival mode, living just to survive and not living for your dreams. You have the full power to control how your life turns out by making the right choices. It is time for you to verify and confirm your dreams.

Life Will Not Always Be as You Anticipate It To Be.

You will experience some hitches along the way but that should not shut you down. Do not allow the stressors of life, fear, doubt, anxiety, past mistakes, and failures deny you the joy of living your dreams. These are actors determined to destroy you which will not succeed if you take full control of them and your life. Transactions are the order of the day in crypto currency so are they in our lives. By transactions it means who you interact with and what you absorb into your life. Who are the people you are interacting with? Are they making transactions with you that are bringing progress in your life? Or are they depositing negativity in your life?
The universe is telling you to be mindful of the people you create room for in your life. Associate with people who will shed light and positivity in your life, people who are serving your life dreams. Avoid those people that extend their fears and doubt in you denying you your dreams. Avoid those that have no direction in life out of poor choices they have no interest in fixing.

Affirmation of the Day:

“ Today I choose to trust that the universe will offer me guidance in my path when I choose to take control of my life and make wise choices.”