Intuitive Answers

Life is Like Cryptocurrency, You Need No Verification On How To Live.

Life is Like Cryptocurrency, You Need No Verification On How To Live. You have full authorization over your life similar to how cryptocurrency systems have authorization of its transaction without interference from other financial institutions. Why have you allowed your cryptocurrency system (life) to be corrupted by other actors that are determined to bring it […]

Distance Yourself From False Claims

Distance Yourself From False Claims Do you not know that negative claims are just excuses to support your unmotivated self? The universe is telling you that those claims you have about yourself that are distancing you from your dreams are false. You have a vision but you tell yourself that’s too great of a dream […]

Life is A Gambling Arena, Play Well

Life is A Gambling Arena, Play Well Living is gambling. Life is a big bet. Just like gambling, you play your chips not knowing if you will win or lose. In life you make a choice not knowing how it turns out. The universe is telling you that you have everything you need in life […]

Give Urgent Care to Your Life

Give Urgent Care to Your Life Are you giving your life the urgent care it deserves? There are some issues in your life that need urgent care services. The universe is telling you to control your emotions. You feel angry that you can’t stand yourself? Anger and bitterness are emotions triggered by failures and setbacks […]

Endurance is the Cord Blood of Life

Endurance is the Cord Blood of Life Just like cord blood saves lives, endurance is the cord blood of life that sees you through everything. Endurance saves our lives during our painful stressful moments because through endurance we come out victorious. To conquer is to endure. Why are you giving up when you are so […]

Your Life is Like a Party, You Choose Who to Host.

Your Life is Like a Party, You Choose Who to Host. Is whatever you are hosting in your life nurturing your growth and your life goals. Are you too accommodating that unwanted guests such as negativity have access to your party (life)? Just as you have the power to choose who to be hosting in […]

Take Some Time to Detox

Take Some Time to Detox Are you exhausted? The feeling is justifiable given that you are designed like a sponge absorbing everything in your path. Why are you giving too much focus on issues and people that drain your energy? The universe is telling you to detox. It is time to let go of that […]

Life is Your Asset, Protect it Wisely

Life is Your Asset, Protect it Wisely Do you know that you are purely responsible and accountable for asset management in your life? How are you managing the assets in your life? How are you managing your time, career, life goals, relationships and everything else that adds quality in your life?  The universe is telling […]

Stop Denying Yourself Credit

Stop Denying Yourself Credit For human beings, it is easy to point out their flaws and mistakes. It’s easier to focus on your struggles than acknowledging the far you’ve come. Why are you denying yourself the credit you deserve? The universe is telling you to stop underestimating yourself. You have within you the ability and […]

Be the Dermatologist of Your Life and Fix Your Blemishes

Be the Dermatologist of Your Life and Fix Your Blemishes What is the issue affecting your life? It is time for you to be your own dermatologist and fix your life. The universe is calling upon you to conquer and relieve yourself of the fears and anxieties that have continuously denied you a quality life […]