The Universe Wants You to Know Today...

The Journey of Life Requires A Car Insurance

To ensure your assets such as; cars are compensated upon an accident or theft, one applies for car insurance. As you live, the universe is encouraging you to insure your life against being damaged by others. Some people may be plotting your death and at the same time pretending to be your friends. They are not enchanted by the growth you are experiencing in your life. Seek the universe’s powers to assist you and insure your life from such people.

Do not trust others too much as they would be using it to their advantage with plans to harm you. Single out those whom you find have pure intentions and separate them from those whom you perceive have negative objectives with you. Always trust your intuition and insure your life from people whom you find dangerous and whom your instincts warn you about.

Watch Out for Accidents Even With a Car Insurance

Unlike a car that can be replaced by the insurer as long as it was insured, you cannot be replaced. For this reason, be careful of what you do, and who you allow to be part of your life. Watch out for every move people in your circle make towards you and the universe will send you signs when people are planning to ruin your life. Be keen and do not ignore any message sent to you.

Be hopeful that any path you are led into by the universe will be for your own good. In this direction, you can be assured that nothing bad will happen to you.

Affirmation of the Day:

“I deserve to live a life where I receive protection against all harm planned towards damaging my life and that of my loved ones. I choose to insure my life against anything that interferes with my peace.”